Black Country Foodbank
Beginning in 2006, BCFB now have 24 Foodbanks across Dudley, Walsall and Sandwell.
Our 300+ dedicated volunteers diligently processed over 300 tonnes of regional donations in 2020, which allowed us to provide 446,663 meals to 28,581 people in crisis. This included 10,329 children.
We connect with over 250 local agencies who assess and enable people to use our service and find additional support related to their needs. Additionally, we assist the work of 25+ Partner Organisations, helping to improve the lives of marginalised and disadvantaged people in the community, whilst also tackling food poverty.
We are forever grateful to our supporters and donors, all vital to ensure we continue reaching those in need. Please contact us for information on how to be a part of this, or where to donate

The Brierley Hill Project (BHP) is a registered charity which provides targeted life support and one to one mentoring services for adults and young people in Brierley Hill and the wider Dudley Borough.
The BHP service is unique and flexible to the needs of the specific person in question and addresses both practical and emotional needs; supporting and encouraging individuals to take positive steps in their lives.
The individuals supported have complex circumstances that may have resulted in homelessness, criminality, addiction or poor mental health.
For young people the charity also provides opportunity for personal growth and development and to participate in activities that would ordinarily be out of reach. This includes a weekly funded sports session at the Dell Stadium.

Brierley Hill Babybank’s mission is to work towards the prevention or relief of poverty in Brierley Hill and the surrounding areas by providing essential items, resources and support to families with young children through referral services. To date we have supported over 400 families and rely on our local community and businesses for financial support and donations of stock.
We are very grateful for the support that Robert and his team have given us over the years to be able to make a difference to others.

As well as supporting a number of local charities Chapmans have recently undertaken to fund the training of four young people in Kenya.
Kenya is a struggling country in so many ways and we thought we wanted to help. At Chapman’s we have always invested, and still do, in training with about 8% of our workforce being trainees. So when the opportunity arose to invest in the lives of young people in Kenya by enabling them to receive training we jumped at it.
We have partnered with Seas of Life Ministries a registered non profit society established in Kenya since 2011. They are coaching 4 people in life skills while we shall be providing the funding for their training in various local colleges.
Hellen is 24 and one of four children. Her father is disabled and she had to quit school after form 2 as her family could no longer afford the school fees. Following support from Mr Robert she was able to complete a grade three tailoring course and with Chapman’s ongoing sponsorship she is now starting a tailoring course at the YMCA. Hellen has been an active member of her church for some time.
John is 20, his father has died and he has never been involved with his single teen mom. He grew up in extreme poverty and has been attending the Seas of Life gym for some time recently becoming a Christian. John is taking an electrical engineering course at TiM Technical Training Institute and he says “I am grateful for the sponsorship and God bless Mr Robert for his kindness”
John has now passed his Certificate in Electrical Installation with Distinction and is thankful for the sponsorship he received that made this achievement possible.
Oliver is 24 and one of six children. His family are very poor and he has often had to miss meals whilst growing up as a result. He has been involved in the Seas of Life ICY ministry for many years and has chosen to do a course in electrical and electronic engineering at Kisumu Polytechnic. Commenting on his sponsorship by Chapmans Oliver said “I am the most grateful person because it has enabled me to reach my chosen dream and through this I might also get an opportunity in the future to give back to the community” Since then Oliver has finished his course and wrote “Having completed my Diploma, I’m writing to thank you for your great kindness and to say that I’ll try to do the same having been given the same chance. You might not know how much this changed my life but the truth is before this opportunity I had a very dark future but now it is just bright. I now have endless possibilities.”
Erick is a 26-year-old youth one of 4 siblings who lost both his parents when he was only 8 years old. His 3 sisters had to drop out of school due to lack of fees. In the meantime, at a young age Erick hustled in manual jobs to get some basic needs. He missed too many meals to count, but even with all the challenges he faced, he finished school as a top performer. Following his sponsorship Erick is now enrolled at the University of Nairobi fulfilling his dream of attaining a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical and electronics engineering. Erick has now progressed with his degree and he writes “Currently, I am in 5th year, my final year of study at the University of
Nairobi, and through your support, my final year project is in line with the timeline set.
I was able to undertake my internship with Kenya Airways as an aircraft
maintenance engineer at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. I want to express my deepest gratitude
for your incredible generosity and support when I was truly desperate and
helpless and my future and dreams were in limbo. Your kindness in helping
to pay for my education and living expenses and any other projects we had
during my education journey has made an immeasurable difference in my
life, and I will be forever thankful for your selflessness”
One of the colleges Seas of Life Ministries is working with is YMCA College of Agriculture and Technology, a well respected college near Nairobi that aims to facilitate and develop the physical, mental and spiritual well being of young people to enable them to become responsible citizens.
The young people we are supporting are linked to the Seas of Life Ministry which is a network of youth churches and youth centres in Kenya.
Seas of Life Ministries say “We are about salvation, training and good works. We desire and strive to help empower the Kenyan youth and young people in whatever way possible. We find through our Youth Churches and Centres we are able to mentor, encourage, empower and create a safe, loving place for these young people. We aim to provide African solutions to African problems in Christ with integrity. We get the youths in our centers through games, sports, the arts, media, events, Sunday youth church, etc & help them develop their God given gifts and talents & empower them wherever possible. We aim to help them develop their character according to the word of God and have many Discovery Groups during the week for bible study and fellowship. We try to incorporate food into a lot of our functions such as lunch after church and a meal before Discovery Group as this is a practical way to show God’s love”
Chapmans are excited at the prospect of working with these two key charities to support their vision of empowering young people in Kenya.
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